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Indigo-Clean Single ModeSingle-Mode

Environmental Disinfection Lighting that Fits Your Budget

Help prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria, including SARS-CoV-2*, Influenza-A*, and Staph**, such as MRSA***, at a nominal cost to your facility.

  • Utilizes a visible wavelenght of light--405nm--generated from state-of-the-art advances in LED technology to kill viruses and bacteria: oxidizing them from within
  • The 405nm emitted from Indigo-Clean technology reflects off walls and surfaces
  • Indigo-Clean Technology kills viruses and bacteria, supporting them from repopulating the space
  • Single-mode Indigo-Clean Technology disinfects when the light is on; 24x7 operation is suggested for optimal disinfection

* Rathnasinghe R. et al. The virucidal effects of 405 nm visible light on SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A virus. Sci Rep. (2021) 11:19470. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-97797-0
** per independent lab report #SGS-09S17036476 Contact Kenall Lighting for a copy of this report
*** Antimicrobial Activity of a Continuous Visible Light Disinfection System by Rutala, et. al, ID Week 2016

Visible light spectrum showing the active element in Indigo-Clean®


Fire Station with ICT Single Mode Luminaires


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…it indicates the product is a Kenall blended white, ambient luminaire using Indigo-Clean single mode technology to continuously kill viruses and bacteria, including SARS-CoV-2, Influenza-A, and Staph, such as MRSA, when the light is on, at a nominal cost to your facility. 24x7 use is recommended for optimal disinfection.


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Single-mode Indigo-Clean Technology Products

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