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Undercabinet Luminaires using Indigo-Clean Technology


Workstations are busy places that can be easily overlooked during regular cleaning. Now, Stratalume Connects luminaires using Indigo-Clean Technology can provide environmental disinfection in these critical areas, reducing pathogens in the air, and on hard and soft surfaces.
These luminaires utilize a state-of-the-art technology to kill bacteria by combining white LED light with 405nm Indigo light. Indigo-Clean is proven to kill bacteria, including Staph*, such as MRSA**. And unlike UV devices, the light is safe for room occupants.



Add the Power of Disinfection to your Task Lighting

When you see this icon...

…it indicates that the product is a white, ambient Kenall luminaire using Indigo-Clean Technology (ICT), which kills bacteria on-demand, including Staph*, such as MRSA**, at a nominal cost to your facility.


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