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Parking Deck/Lots

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Award-winning Lighting for Parking Structures

Kenall award winning SenScape™ and TekDek™ LED parking garage luminaires blend intelligent design with durable construction for an all-in-one solution for lighting and controls. In addition, SenScape SPG18 and TekDek TD17 luminaires with TekLink™ TL2000PS are the only parking fixtures to incorporate car counting and license plate recognition technology using an embedded image sensor.
To complete your parking garage structure, Kenall offers TopDek™; a top of deck/surface lot luminaire. We’re confident you’ll find Kenall luminaires possess unprecedented glare control and long LED life second to none in the industry. Combining long life LEDs with TekLink controls presents an opportunity for even greater cost- and energy-savings. Kenall has lighting and fixture options for all of your parking deck and parking garage lighting needs.